… The best, after AUGI MexCA left for maintenance…
Some time ago I did an AUGI review in its tropical chapter and found a valuable amount of resources for AutoCAD Civil3D and Map technologies users. Unfortunately the site went into maintenance over a year ago, an update we have been waiting and will secure arrive in a couple of months.
To fill this void I’m doing a quite similar review to analogous content site. It is CAD Forum, promoted by CADStudio, with a slight disadvantage for our context because of the traffic which has the mixture of English and Czech which makes it unfriendly for Spanish-speaking users. I tried to put an approximation of what is told in the contents but for purposes of learning is a little less enough to see the videos.
Most content can be viewed without logging in, but the forum and some videos need to be registered, an issue that takes only a minute, those who are in Flash format can be viewed online, others in AVI format must be downloaded.
Videos for Engineering using Autodesk Civil 3D
Fundamentals of surface modeling
- Terrain model, various tools
- 3D terrain model from points
- Road design
- Dynamic change in longitudinal profile
- Standards for road design
- Vertical curves in a profile view
- Templates for Plant Profile
- Corridor from an alignment
- Cut and Fill slopes volumes
- Volumes and Surface slopes
- Developments, details and subdivision of plots
- Hydro-sanitary design, piping
- Pipes, the dynamics of collision
- Pipes, something more…
Surveying at the reverse, from a field notebook
- Subset Replacing
- Exporting a terrain model to Google Earth
- Plex.Earth working on AutoCAD Civil 3D
- Labeling of 2D to 3D points using TXT2ZC
- Using templates …HTU
- HEC-RAS, water flow modeling
- Working with data imported from HEC-RAS
- Dynamite VSP Traffic Engineering
- The traffic marking in 2.0
Videos for AutoCAD Map
AutoCAD Map 2009, working with WMS layers
- AutoCAD Map, operating with WFS data
- Import and styles with SHP files
- Creating the topology from nodes and boundaries
- Shape files rapid recovery with FDO
- Creating and using print templates using Topobase
- Topobase – Editing client / area
- Topobase – search data using / web client
- Topobase – review and print / Web client
Additionally, there are a lot of videos using AutoCAD, Inventor and Revit.