I have received this 2015 first quarter’s edition, with definitely valuable content in Spanish language.
Topics by their selves, say us about its partners representing value:
Emerges a new era in land administration. This is a great article in which Chrit Lemmen and three colleagues talk about how processes, informatics applications and global approaches are leading rights management further than mere ISO19152 UML’s smoke.
Bringing color to the points’ clouds. Sam Fleming, Iain Woodhouse and Antoine Cottin speak us of how developments in multispectral Lidar are changing the way of seeing the points’ clouds
- Is GIS dead? David Rhind speaks to us about the title with which have renamed an iconic book, considering the Geographic Information Systems and Sciences (GISS) proposal.
- Ford and the maintenance’s art on a map. This is an excellent analysis which makes the Ford approach analogy to the endless performance of debts. Nothing far if we consider the amount of money invested in our surveying and digitalization of information processes… and so little on updating and cost recovery.
- Surveying is a profession that needs to think in advance. This is the first time a woman chairs the FIG, and GIM International takes the time to ask her 16 incisive questions.
- Redefining the level of detail for 3D models. This smoke is middle astral, talks about the level of detail (LOD) complexity in the standards implementation for 3D cities’ models.
- Deformation’s Analysis of a test dam. This is an autonomous flight unit’s case of use. Its purpose is to monitor, for two years, not only dam’s deformations but to prove that equipments are quite ready for Geo-engineering processes.
- Geospatial information’s integration. This article by Jose Santizo summarizes in a somewhat rash way how the technological evolution for geomatics service, in drones’ case, has come to create new solutions and rebounding with this is also a demand of more precision in associated tasks.
Our Congratulations to Geomares, for insisting on this publication dedicated to our Hispanic environment, with so in force applications as those seen in this edition.
As a suggestion, despite that now the magazine has a Spanish-language partner, who has improved the “Google translate” feature style; however technical writing quality could be improved in order to approach the original writing’s interpretation spirit.