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Entremares Mine Tour

It has finished my trip, tired but fruitful. Deals with new territories, moments of humor and sorrow imagine the chicks doing math and English tasks at its best effort.


The most curious the hotel where I stayed, that, apart from a swimming pool, navigable lagoon and ponies for children, offers a tour of what it was the site of a mine. Usually one imagines the classic with a tunnel, in the style made by the Spaniards at the time of conquest; but these types of installations are unique when gold deposit occurs in vein. In this case, because it’s scattered, it is carried out in open-air, grinding the material and retrieving it with cyanide that dissolves it in water.

It is a rather controversial topic among environmentalists that shot it to die and the scientists who defend mitigating controls. Disasters in some parts of the world are also unforgettable precedent, but always the guilt of the wrong things are for the politicians (who permit or negotiate or don’t know very well what they sign), tell it to me that I grew up in a town that literally has this name, where entire families are divided by gold which I have come to think never existed in such quantities.



In the photo, an area undergoing slopes restoration process. Up you can see how nature turns as to its intent.

The visit to the site is instructive; especially in these days where gold has reached the record up to the 1,200. And it is that gold is a very mysterious element; it surprises us the automatic cash machine (ATM) opened in Dubai, where if entering $450 the machine returns you gold bar.

But it makes sense because without producing interests, it does not become a wet paper as bonds, and its value is not in the brightness in girl’s neck but his ability to leave the earth, melting and re-buried in vaults as economy support.



In the graph, the gash in Palo Alto, the same shot above, but joined with the Kodak EasyShare. This is already in restoration process. Viewpoints have been placed to rest awhile, taking pictures, history, or taste a good Amaretto.

The area is picturesque, old churches recall a heritage worth preserving.

If these people take advantage of the twinning with Spanish cities it can be done an interesting job. Look at the bottom how the mountain is seen above the fog after a rain that went as it came, in the valley at two o’clock in the afternoon.

In the bottom graph, it is shown the legacy of recent history. Messages embodied by the Zelaya’s Resistance at the period’s coup, constitutional succession … or what you feel is the best way to name it.


In the next photo it is an example of the field, a cascade of warm water, with a smelling of rotten egg because of the sulfur. In the right picture, an approach, see how it seems to be petrified wood. But these are layers of material bound in sheet form; -according to the guide- red colored earth and hot springs are truly signs of gold deposit. If you have a property with these features, let me know :).

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It’s an interesting place to spend a free weekend with the family. I recommend it.

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