Already some time ago has been implementing various applications to the LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) technology which consists of the measurement of the ground at a distance by means of a laser system. According to the existing information in DIELMO airborne LiDAR is currently more precise technology for the generation of digital elevation models with 1 or 2 m spatial resolution of large tracts of land, with precision in height better than 15 cm and doing a real XYZ measure for each square meter.
In recent gvSIG days was presented a free extension called DielmoOpenLiDAR that incorporates to gvSIG the ability to manage and view LIDAR files in .las and .bin formats, always with the intention of not killing the computer resources, and displaying at the same time large volumes (hundreds of GigaBytes) of raw LiDAR data (irregular points cloud in LAS and BIN format) overlapping with other geographic data in gvSIG.
DielmoOpenLIDAR applies automatic simbology according to height, intensity and classification from the view frame. Once installed the extension it can be set point size in term of pixels, so that when being far away a spot won’t be seen and as we approach are seeing larger.
In this way when loading new layers it can be seen activated the necessary extent for LIDAR files.
Classification based on height:
Here is this functionality, see how you can differentiate by the tree height, the natural terrain building according to the properties set for the symbolization.
Rating based on intensity
The graph shows the same view, but classifying by intensity according to user defined parameters.
This application was developed by DIELMO; from its page you can download extensions for different operating systems, user manual and source code.
By the way I take to promote this company which besides its services as well, offers very good information on LIDAR technology, some links to online resources and free products.