KloiGoogle to connect Google with your GIS program

This is an application that goes beyond the simple, but in practice resolves what we all want to be as simple like:

On this side Google Maps —->
  • Satellite layer
  • Hybrid layer
  • Map layer
  • Topographic layer
On this side my GIS program
  • ArcGIS
  • Mapinfo
  • GeoMedia
  • Microstation Bentley Map

For a moment I thought it was something similar to what Plex.Earth does with AutoCAD; neither is like what AutoDesk Civil 3D does, nor loading with Microstation V8i tool. In contrast, this does not bring an object that can not be refreshed, but lifts a service with possibility of upgrading to a new approach.

Note that in this case makes synchronization to the approach I have of the entire subdivision. This is almost like making a snapshot.

But when approaching, image shows captured pixels size in a 1024 × 768 monitor display.

By pressing the Google button, this is updated and I have a new deployment as if it were directly connected to Google Maps.

It is simply functional. What it does is that on each deployment calculates the box center, considering the zoom parameter we have chosen and then go to ActiveX and raises Google stream and brings it as raster.

The horizontal bar has different options; in this case I am showing them in Microstation.

  • Among the options it can be chosen the UTM zone in which we work.
  • Also the type of deployment, which can be satellite image, maps, hybrid, and topographic map.
  • It has an additional option, with which can be automatically updated, recognizing the Google approach with regard to our level. Then also choose the capture size in pixels and finally the magic button that updates; with this might be possible to obtain significant deployments if we are connected with Google Earth Pro at maximum zoom and then save them as local layers.

The best of all is that it works with ArcGIS, Mapinfo, GeoMedia, and Microstation. It seems me a great advance in interaction with Google Earth. There’s no support for AutoCAD yet, for that can be used Plex.Earth although they have promised to do so in the future.

Go to KloiGoogle

I remember seeing these Danish guys showing something in Amsterdam last year. For this year I hope to see something else, because apart from what I’ve shown there are also other solutions that are concentrating on GIS4mobile.

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