egeomate, a month, a post

If I have to recommend a post per month, this would be the result

June 2007 How Google Earth does change our world?
July Google Earth for land use?
August A love history for geomatics
September How precise are images of Google Earth
October A projection not based on tables
November AutoCAD and its 25 years
December Can you impress with a single map?
January 2008 27 Years of MicroStation
February The seven principles of the multi-layer model
March A footbridge with the DNA structure
April Google Earth’s NASA: World wind
May How to kill a beach
June Geofumadas: Multifinalitary Cadastre
July I also have a life
August A day in the life of Geofumadas
September The same story, now with GPS
October Geofumadas, my private life
November Manifold IMS, doing something more
December Geofumadas, what accompanies my gray hair
January 2009 Learning AutoCAD Civil 3D valuable resources
February What novelties bring AutoCAD 2010
March How will your technology be in 50 years