Word 2007 one of lime and the other of sand (*)

TRANSLATION NOTE: Please read the comments at the end of the post to clarify the real meaning of some terms.

Word 2007 and its ribbon, like AutoCAD’s left for us some things out of control in the moments we have to hurry.

The problem

I was looking to convert lowercase to uppercase text, which was previously a click of the menu. No idea where it is, and if there was not patient enough, so I started to try combinations of keys, shift, ctrl, alt, and the functions F2, F4, etc..

I was looking for how to convert lowercase to uppercase text, which was previously a click of the menu. I don’t have the least idea where it is, and if it’s there I haven’t so enough patience, so I started to try keys’ combinations like shift, ctrl, alt, and the functions F2, F4, etc…

Finally (very late) someone blew me the command was Shift + F3.

You select the text, then Shift + F3, and at first text is only shown with the first letters capitalized:

If you apply again Shift + F3 it becomes uppercase everything:

The other problem

Without realizing which key was, it become activated some strange bracketed characters in the images, hyperlinks, footnotes, bold … nothing was the same; it only brought me the memory of what we did in the blue screen of Word Perfect.

This happens because the field codes were activated. It should be seen the suffering I went through, because even though I tried with everything and my sublime egeomate (Spanish Idiom: “geofumada sublime”, in this case means all of the most complicated processes someone could imagine) knowledge, it was impossible until I looked for an Internet connection.

To enable or disable it, use Alt + F9


One of lime and the other of sand: A textual translation of a very popular Spanish saying: “unas de cal y otras de arena” which means that when we are in a situation not everything’s passes jus as we hope to.
