Why it is called Microstation V8i

Today, as we had announced, Bentley launched its version 8i for its entire product portfolio, with a premiere web page for that purpose, with videos and opinions of different users. Although several of the links in press releases that have been sent have a wrong ftp address.

I remember the AutoCAD’s 2001 version was called 2000i, I can not remember why, I think because it was “equal” to 2000 version; Microstation V7 j was named like this when they implemented the development in Java… language that was left in V8 when they began to use .NET so within a year everyone will talk about V8i, it’s the reality. Before trying it, I’ll “smoke” in the meaning of i, based on the advertising that have sent us today after the virtual conference, very pretty but for the “ñola” (spanish) connection of these places became too slow.

Integration seems to be the word that better defines corporate identity that leads this version, although expected while ago, it’s understood by a redesign that they made of all native and acquired applications under a single architecture. Although I had expected to come from an “Intelligent” concept, as though several of their documents suggests, I do not believe them have been implemented it at all levels, as it seems to happen with AutoDesk in a good Txus’ reflection of transition del CAD a BIM.

But I must be demonstrated, a launch with so much mystery should be based on a high expectation, that’s why they have released a limited amount of copies waiting to find opinions, if I have luck I will receive one, if no… I’ll wait to be told.

Modular design based on Intuition:

The design and visualization are increasingly being reduced to a single action; this supposes that almost real-time rendering is applied from the first traces of a twisting building with Generative Components, to its real construction to control supervision and mechanical design.

Interaction, dynamic views:

The “Display Sets” is extended, such that the 2D ceases to exist or at least coexists with the 3D…??

It is no clear it seems they search ways to disappear the 2D.

Intrinsic Geocordination:

It is understood that now, all Bentley tools support and can be displayed on a single reference system on the fly, regardless from which external application come … it is understood that under OGC standards?

Incredible Performance:

Sounds like a green Hulk, but users have said so, “we have accessed a 20 mb file and handled it 55 times faster.” We will have to see if this is beyond the data management via LAN and WAN, where they have got strong effort on SharePoint and Project Wise.


Although we applaud this, it is not a novelty rather than debt because we understood not only interoperability because of reading the neighborhood formats, but because it will support standards. So now they assure are ready: LandXML, OGC, ISO 15925, WML, IFC… or at least it seems to say an extensive white paper of 21 pages.

In any way we like to know that there’s Innovation that remains being V8 that comply with standards and shares them with the competition’s to save the money which costs a simply “import / export”. It also seems a very good idea, after almost three years of acquisitions, not mend software but re – develop it under a same architecture.

It now remains to be seen how they defend and market their ‘I’.

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