It has been launched a new WordPress update. Many things have changed in content management platform in recent years; now new versions updates are a single button. For those who suffer doing so via ftp, at times we’ve even come thinking that simplicity makes code losing its grace. But what a good thing is for a free use tool to have that level of evolution.
Innovations are on issues and usability, as they were necessary and as an open source tool, due to community requested changes.
Greater control over what we see.
It has been added a button called “Screen Options”, which lets you customize what we want to be visible or hidden. It’s a just great change, depending on what we are operating; it contextualizes and complements with ease AJAX drag panels.
For that matter, I am showing you input panel, see I can choose which fields can be visible in the browsing and even how many posts are deployed downward. This functionality is very good, since plug-in are installed by us; it often adds spaces that limit workspace.
You can also choose how many columns you want to see. Imagine having the new post writing panel again without much hindrance.
Direct access to the admin panel
Shown above, a bar similar to Blogger’s, with quick access to the panel, widgets, new entry; there is a search form and also shows recent updates. It’s very good, although I have not seen whether it can be set the option to hide or customize it. I guess it would rid of the risk of being open by mistake.
For developers there are other novelties that more than satisfy concerns developed plugins need to be updated. In order not to say some outrageous, it’s better leave it as it was announced.
There’s a bucket of candy for developers as well, including our new Post Formats support which makes it easy for themes to create portable tumblelogs with different styling for different types of posts, new CMS capabilities like archive pages for custom content types, a new Network Admin, an overhaul of the import and export system, and the ability to perform advanced taxonomy and custom fields queries.
Congratulations for WordPress new features.