The Desktop GIS Software- SuperGIS Desktop 3.1a Adds Spanish Interface
Supergeo Technologies, the leading global provider of complete GIS software and solutions, announced that the newest version of SuperGIS Desktop 3.1a now supports Spanish user interface, allowing Spanish speaking users to efficiently accomplish GIS tasks with ease.
Delivering abundant GIS tools, SuperGIS Desktop 3.1a, the latest desktop GIS software, allows users from different domains to develop a professional GIS platform for geoprocessing, as well as easily analyzing, displaying, editing, managing, and querying spatial data.
SuperGIS Toolkit in SuperGIS Desktop 3.1a performs hundreds of GIS analysis functions and enables users to design the analysis and processes with Process Designer.
With Process Designer, users can define geoprocessing functions and workflows to process massive amount of geospatial data directly. In addition, the defined process can also be published as geoprocessing service with SuperGIS Server 3.1a.
Learn more about SupeGIS Desktop 3.1a by visiting
Mangalore University Improves Oceanographic and Hydrographic Research with SuperGIS Desktop Solutions
SuperGIS Desktop 3.1 and the analysis extensions helped the Department of Marine Geology, Mangalore University, India establish a marine GIS platform to achieve effective marine data integration, editing, analysis, and management for promoting progressive improvement of its research programs.
Founded in 1980, Mangalore University is located in Mangalore with the faculties such as Commerce, Art, Ocean Science, Education and two important National Research Facilities. Serving as a major educational institution in India, Mangalore University continues improving the learning resources to facilitate constant innovation in teaching and learning methods.
Offering plentiful GIS tools, SuperGIS Desktop 3.1a allows the educators and the students to integrate a variety of marine environmental and hydrographic data of bathymetry, geology, the change of ocean temperatures, etc. In addition, SuperGIS Spatial Analyst and Spatial Statistical Analyst increase their capability of performing advanced analysis, helping them understand the real marine situations of ecological phenomenon to produce more reliable research results.
As the demandfor geospatial solutions rapidly increases in India,Supergeo keeps promoting SuperGIS software to fulfill client’s application needs. Supergeo also plans to offer SuperGIS training sessions for RSI SOFTECH team and local users next year, facilitating users and value-added partners to effectively solve spatial problems by GIS software and consequently to inspire GIS innovative applications.
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