TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post.
- 4 hours without electricity,
- No TV, no radio, no news.
The government channel was broadcasting that the president had been arrested.
Then went off the air, and all radio and television channels were gone.
A few minutes later the air force planes made their raid.
11:00 am. The Supreme Court reported that it had been sent the order to confiscate the polls.
11: 30 am. The Electoral Supreme Court warned that they guaranteed election for November 2009
12:35 The National Congress read a written waiver of the president, saying he did so to maintain order. He reported that he accepted and delegated a committee to develop a project, and suspended the meeting for 10 minutes.
Internationally, there are confused versions, because these foolish men have not had the honor to formally communicate what is happening. Telesur is communicating that this is a coup.
Apparently the letter of waiver is from June 25.
12:50 the president is notifying he did not sign any waiver, so it’s a conspiracy.
Facebook seems to be the best way to gossip, because the media are more lost than usual
1:00 pm, a heavy rain falling in the style of the La Mala Hora (*), power is soon to leave.
2:25 pm, Congress accepted the resignation and as it is said in the rule of law, Congress President takes office
It’s reported the death of a deputy union leader who apparently objected to the arrest.
Then it’s not a coup, but a constitutional succession because the president was acting outside the law.
Curfew, I will be around … until they won’t remove the internet.
Thanks for waiting. There will be time for geosmoking, with less pressure.
To read extremes:
The play is half crooked; there are many unanswered questions from both sides that only history can answer.
(*) La Mala Hora: Literally translated as ‘The bad Hour’ is the name of one of Gabriel Garcia Marquez stories.