
What’s new in AutoCAD 2010

AutoCAD 2010, Wow! This is the name given after Heidi’s review to this AutoCAD version, just a year after her…

ProgeCAD, another alternative to AutoCAD

ProgeCAD is a low-cost technology based on the IntelliCAD 6.5, which very well may be adopted as a replacement for…

The slow progress of CAD integration– Costs

After SAICIC’s death, several Mexican programs appropriated this market, making it one of the engineering areas that was first automated.…

AutoCAD Civil 3D, importing points from an external database

In this post we will see how to import data from an external database, but we have to consider some…

AnyDWG, to convert dwg files without AutoCAD

AnyDWG is a line of economic tools made for converting AutoCAD files to different formats. Among the best features with…

Learning AutoCAD Civil 3D, valuable resources

Being a member of AUGI MexCCA has many advantages, one of which is the access to learning tools and tutorials.…

Convert kml to dxf files

A while ago there was a practical application from Zonums's friend that made this role without much hindrance.  Unfortunately, the…

2011: What to expect: CAD Platforms

TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post. Hello my friends, holidays have left like firecrackers,…

GvSIG 2, first impressions

In the course we decided to try the new GvSIG version, which although is not yet declared stable, it can…