Very few times we have seen an offer in the GIS area as the one offered by Sinfogeo. The opportunity is not only to learn but for specialists, which can track students and build online training manuals.
Being online it can be taken from anywhere in the world, but are available in classroom (in Spain). They are not free, nothing in this life is, but you can apply for discounts:
- Being unemployed,
- Being Student
- Bonus from the Tripartite Foundation.
- Groups over 5 people
- Have taken a course with Sinfogeo
These are some courses available in information technology:
General Geographic Information Systems
- Advanced Course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Basic Course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
- Geographic Information Practice Course Practice and Data Sources
- Environmental Spatial Information Course
Free Software
Non-free Software
- AutoCAD Course
- Microstation V8 XM Course
- Geomedia Course
- ArcGis Course
GIS Project Development
- Flash Course for Interactive Mapping
- Project Management TIG Course
- Geographic Applications Development Course
- IDEs and Metadata Course
In addition there are other courses on computer science in general and Free Software. Several include support for finding employment and savings’ promotion through the use of free software.
Nothing bad considering that includes AutoCAD, MicroStation, gvSIG, Sextant, ArcGIS, GeoMedia, which have been rarely seen in virtual version … and in Spanish.