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Selling software on the Internet is easier every day

To operate a business there must need to be integrated four elements in a functional way, which, in Marketing, are called the 4P

  • A creator that has a Product to offer,
  • A buyer who is willing to pay a Price for it,
  • A seller who can make the product Promotion
  • clip_image001A Place to serve as a market to make the transaction

For many local businesses that is easy, but for software sales has been difficult, not because there isn’t a need and adequate solutions; but because of the market conditions where all the business actors are combined. Let’s review how the creators of RegNow resolve this situation in the market for consumer software.

The creator. Makes a computing tool of massive market, which solves a customer’s detected requirement, this is not necessarily astral and easy to use. It needs a practical way to spread its usefulness, show a test version to proof worth your purchase. And of course, make profits that don’t replace neurons but pay the clip_image002bills.

I would also be willing to pay a commission for each insured sale if others do it. So in this way they can focus on creating more, answer questions from customers who have purchased the product or from potentially clients interested in acquiring it.

The buyer. He has the need, wants to know that there’s at least one solution, with affordable cost and that can be downloaded as a test so he can makes sure that it is what he needs. He’s also interested in others’ opinion about the tool, contacts with the operator for specific requires and that his transaction is secure.

clip_image003It’s called RegNow.  A business based on the needs of both. The creator can do a limited version, upload it to RegNow without paying for it, offer a commission and write what is necessary in its own space, which can be a blog or a created product catalog. For sale purposes he only places a button that refers to RegNow, so the one who download the tool can use it and if feels sure that it fills his need, will buy it.

The seller. RegNow can not reach everyone; the operator with its weak visits can not sell enough, so it’s time for promoters. These are people who have high-traffic areas specialized in such type of solutions, which may place a text link or preferably talk about it. These go to RegNow, see the product, offer the operator to be a partner in change of the offered commission, and if accepted, then there is business.

clip_image004Thus, the customer buys your product; the seller, RegNow, and the operator receive what have been agreed. And everyone is happy, there is business.

If you’re a creator and want to sell your software, register here

If you have a Web and you want to offer products, register here

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