Ready for GvSIG seminar

Finally, the institution that I mentioned decided for GvSIG, so that they have made a proposal to develop an Information Management System built on Java under GvSIG’s API.

So I’ll be giving them a seminar of 3 workshops, each one in one day under the name:

How to do with GvSIG what we did with ArcView“, I will be splitting it in three stages:

  • Data Construction
  • Analysis of results
  • Publishing services

By now I have six students already defined, 2 of them Java developers, two that handle ArcGIS and all are old guard users of ArcView 3 x.

The project designed includes the development of an application for mayors’ use; user’s manual and training for 5 pilot’s municipalities. Later it is hoped that the experience can be systematized and the Trade Union institution of municipalities can replicate it to the other ones.

The first workshop will be in late October and the other two in November, one week apart.

There I tell you.
