Answering to questions from my last meeting with the technician who is thinking a lot with the municipalities in the creation of publishing services with Manifold GIS, in order to end the Manifold’s manual I mentioned earlier.
The intention to create these services is that the land registry department can serve data without sharing the files, nor worrying about the update. For example with the Municipal Environmental Unit, Urban Control or the municipal administration who can access through a browser as is done in Google Maps or through a GIS program as could be ArcGIS.
1. Why IIS?
IIS is the publishing service that already brings Windows using ASP, publishing in Manifold through this route only needs to be done “file, export to html”. It is not possible with Manifold to create a publishing service using an Apache Server, as I knew… or not done by mere mortals.
2. Which version of windows?
From Windows XP Professional, IIS is integrated … what f* for those who have Home Edition because although there on the web say you can patch it, I have not tried it
3. How to enable IIS?
Start, Control Panel, Add / Remove programs, add windows components. IIS is chosen and then applied the “next” button, it’s probably it may ask for Windows CD, in case of being pre-installed … it’s another f*.
4. How to start services?
But man, that comes in windows readme!
Start, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Server. We choose the play icon so that the service is started.
5. How to create access to the localhost?
Being in the same panel of the previous question, choose the machine that will act as host, select the properties of the folder “Web Sites” and in the access properties it’s include the user in the form “IUSR_NAME MACHINE” so that the served maps can be shared via anonymous user.
Of course there are other more complicated ways of doing it.
6. How to create a publishing service?
F* ck! It seems you do not read my blog, 5 points less, read here, here, here and here and then come to ask me.
7. How to share maps in the intranet?
Simple, if it is within the same network, just type the IP. To find out the IP it is done on the machine that is serving data “start, run, cmd, enter” and there type ipconfig.
There it should appear the IP’s machine that must be a number like so that a user in the network will select this IP in the browser, and the map folder can view the published service.
Access would be
In case you want to share several maps, without much development, it is published in separate folders; if it is wanted to create a menu, a basic page with links to different maps can be developed … if not, just put simple shortcuts. In case you want to do it via Internet… it is for another post because it would require a public IP or other juggling.
8. How can it be shared maps with AutoCAD or ArcGIS?
If when doing publishing are enabled WMS and WFS options, the user of ArcGIS, GvSIG, V8i Microstation, AutoCAD Map, or any application that supports OGC services could access those data via this url:
In this case it would be seen as images
In this case the layers can be downloaded