Geographic Information is a key element in public administration. Technological advances in this field have been numerous in recent years and its rapid development has raised new challenges in data dissemination policy and legal aspects, this combined with the development of free software, and the existence of standardized geographical Data Infrastructures (SDI), have greatly facilitated the access of citizens to the existing geographic information, enhancing access to information and therefore economic development. Various regulations such as the European Directive INSPIRE, the New Order policy National Geographic Institute data or the free use of geographic data promoted by the Government of the Canary Islands are a preview of the new data dissemination policy, and the paradigm shift towards cooperative action and decentralized.
That’s why this 23 and April 24, 2009 are scheduled the Third Conference on Geographic Information Systems and Local Government promoted by the Insular Municipality of La Palma.
It’s just the name of this post, which has received this year’s event, which its only name is promising, so we hope that it will also be promising in presentations’ content and in the organization of the event.
For now, the proposed agenda includes topics such as:
- New lines of policy for the dissemination of the National Geographic Institute
Led by Peter Vivas White (National Geographic Information Centre IGN-CNIG)
· Spatial Data Infrastructure of Spain IDEE
By Alejandra Sánchez Maganto (National Geographic Institute, IGN)
· Data diffusion policy in Canary. Spatial Data Infrastructure of Canary
This will be presented by Manuel Blanco (Head of Strategy and Information Service of the Canary Islands Territorial) and Bernardo Pizarro (Canary Cartographic Manager-GRAFCAN)
Among other topics there are also considered:
- • Policy data dissemination in Andalucía. Spatial Data Infrastructure of Andalucía
- The SITNA Geoportal: Integrating Spatial Information
- Policy dissemination of cadastral data. Spatial Data Infrastructure Cadastre
- Strategies for dissemination of geographic information of Municipality from Tenerife
- Geographic Information System of the Municipality of Lanzarote
- GIS Projects at the Ministry of Agriculture
It will also be interesting what La Palma present in terms of their progress in IDES, and implementation of Virtual Management System based on Capaware. Also reflection issues as the role of IDE in the local area and GIS as a tool for local public space.
You can check the full information on the website of La Palma, and for registration it is required only 50 Euros.