TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post.
In the previous post we saw how to create an IMS service, mounted on the basic damned template that comes by default.
Now let’s see how to make interaction between one and another map by using the hyperlinks option and some code. The project is based on a U.S. map, themed by region, similar to what can happen when navigating from an index partitioning or maps quadrant of different scale.
The data
- 1 index map called, consisting only of the component; this has its own config.txt
- 1 map for each region with its own map, this has an additional map to its drawing and a label, then it is published with its own config.txt
- 1 asp by default, that shows the index
- 1 asp called map, which is the template for the shown maps, this review which is the map and config that should be deployed
- 1 asp to display the table on the right, which is shown when you activate the “info” command
- 1 style template called default.css
- 1 folder where are placed the images from the frame of the map
If we look at the graph, the publication of each of the regions is done by creating a single map, with its label and theming. But when it is send to publish it has been chosen the same template but with a single config.
At the end of the case, the config contains a basic text which defines the component, file to open and other banality.
component = Counties Mtn Map
copyright = Copyright (C) 2005. All rights reserved.
cx = 600
cy = 400
file =
hyperlinks = true
imageDesc = false
logo = true
subtitle = Click on the link above to return to the main US map.
title = Mountains
What is sought is that from an index map we can go to a particular map and then return to the previous.
This was solved by putting a url in the table which indicates where you will go; in index’s case, it only sends to the maps of regions. In case of regions of above maps there is a url to return to the initial map.
<% if (title != “” || region != “”) { %>
<% if (region != “”) { %>United States><% } %>
<% if (title != “” && region != “”) { %> – <% } %>
<% if (title != “”) { %><%= encode(title) %><% } %><% } %>
To display the table, they created an asp that lifts the object data selected in a table as shown in the iframe on the right.
The hyperlinks
The science of this template is based on creating hyperlinks between a map and other:
If you notice, is not other thing that a url to the host by selecting that from the default template it selects a map. To create a hyperlink column is chosen in the URL data type from the design of the table, in this case sending a variable called “region” set in the default asp template.
// create parameters
var command = parameterForm(“command”, “startup”);
var mode = parameterForm(“mode”, “center”);
var region = parameterForm(“region“, “”);
var regionCurrent = parameter(“region“, “”);
var state = parameterForm(“state”, “”);
var x = parameterForm(“x”, “”);
var y = parameterForm(“y”, “”);// change regions if necessary
if (region != regionCurrent) {
region = regionCurrent;
state = “”;
Oh, if are you afraid of the code, this and other examples can be downloaded from the Manifold’s web which includes maps and the publish folder with already created asp. You have to open it and install the service as explained before. Then you can go replacing it with an own example and there you’ll see that is not anything special (*).
Also in this forum’s consultation it is shown different real sites mounted on Manifold, of which I spoke before about an example.
(*) No es nada del otro mundo: This is an Spanish idiom which means that something is not as difficult as it seemed initially.