Manifold GIS 9… faster

From March 16, we got a vaporware than Manifold has made a press release, which speaks about the upcoming precedence of its 9th version product.   According to what they have said, Manifold GIS 9 would be leaving the market in this 2009 first half, and Chris C has already pronounced about it.

After two years, we know it was not so… but we can see the trends and it´s interesting what we have seen from the 8.09 to the 8.24 version.

How much could Manifold 9 cost?

According to the announcement, Manifold 8th to Manifold 9th version update should cost between $ 50 and $ 100.  They have mentioned a plus for earlier versions updates, which is my case, so I assume its cost would go round $ 150.

It is clear that if we only have two available activations, when we upgrade to the 9th version we’ll turn back to our 5 prior activations… Hurrah! for the low-cost software.

What’s new on Manifold 9?

They haven’t said much yet, except that its approach will be oriented to work with Multicore processors.  Already their 8th version has operating functionality with NVIDIA Cuda cards, where processes consuming many resources become relatively simple, seeming to us not only that our machine IS a super computer but software HAS highly efficient functionality.  Everything tends to exploit multiple processes hardware but applied to software development.

And when I talk about making efficient processes, I mean what they did in the demo where a digital terrain model took 6 minutes to be performed and just 11 seconds to apply its sending via multiple processes.

This is a really reduce processing time, what made them win the last year’s Geotec.

It seems that Manifold will focus on this; exploiting processing speed cause its communication concentrates too much on solving repetitive questions regarded with video cards qualities that will allow 9th version performance and the low cost of Nvidia cards.  This would involve not only processes but better management of the .map format within which Manifold handles virtually everything and possibly extends the potential to the IMS services format publication.

For now we can just wait; not a 9 version but many of this old dreams done almost true.
