Live Writter, photo album

See what interesting functionality has added Live Writter to entry photos on a gallery form since the income of 14.0th version. In this, Blogger (Google) and WordPress have been left behind by not providing a desktop platform (official) to facilitate blogging without having to be connected to the platform.

For now, Microsoft won the request because Live Writter can connect to a lot of them.

You can choose from a variety of formats in the gallery, so to show this, I take advantage of showing some of the tragedies from an idle Friday’s traffic:

SOTP… the height of a police’s bad spelling

Hey, how many decibels are allowed?

mmm … I think the fuel crisis is over

Sandwiches in different year

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There are also other ways to arrange them, as this in Collage mode.

… That tattoo is good for George

That child is really naughty

See what I mean, you must use pajamas

Have a neighbor like him…

Are you in urgency for a bathroom?

See full album

Finally I leave some Worth100.com images that are simply an example of what a Photoshop expert can do.

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