This is the name of a digital magazine published by companies of regional representation in Europe from Sokkia and Topcom, headquartered in the Netherlands.
Published in Dutch and English simultaneously, with the slogan “professional positioning Magazine“, its content goes beyond a mere catalog of products includes topography quite interesting articles for professional application of the subject.
Many companies already use this magazine format with good results, as discussed. From the outset I liked the simple format without complex iconography.
The layout is flawless; usability is quite good, with three levels of approach. The first one, two pages’ view to navigate quickly; one click allows seeing one page showing a second level, although at this it can not yet be read much but, by closing the left panel, we have a third approach that makes readable content on a regular size monitor.
But these are banality; its inner content is valuable, in the first instance to loyal users or potential’s from Topcom and Sokkia brands, then for egeomate topics general users in spatial data capture field. Here’s a quick overview of interest topics:
In this section there are first views of innovative equipment, but falls short on descriptions, it’s not so bad to follow up technology that I expect to see in near future:- Sokkia SHC25A colector – The Topcom El FC-25A controller – ScanMaster 2.0 software |
Mobile Mapping the future of the topography.
An article by Sander Jongeleen reminds us and reaffirms that mobile capture technologies is no longer the future but rather present of the topography. By the way there are shown sensors and techniques used to scan in field and office processing. |
The best thing is to go there and see it with passion.