Hazards migration to Geofumadas.com

Finally, it is almost purged the database after a migration from Word Press MU in Cartesianos to a hosted domain in Cpanel. For this, various plug-ins and phpmyadmin access have had fun on me.

There were several days – and nights – of come and go. Here I summarize some lines, after I finally believe I’m ready to write again.

  • As being a Word Press-mu-1.2.4 version and be migrating to a Word Press 3.0.4 version there was much in the way that was not a simple export / import.
  • Database access was valuable to erase a beast of things in the trash but while not eliminated there are extra weight. I noticed it because even though spam was removed because export carried much, I feel these versions have a gap because even crept new spam was downloaded again.
  • Akismet is a great help, it saves being deleting comment spam.
  • Broken link checker is very good help to identify and repair links that no longer exist. Funny, but not updating those links lost ranking to domains. There were pages that no longer live, who changed structure, which became friendlier your links, comments with invalid urls, typos, anyway. Plug-in is a great help; it has been useful to me knowing a lot of things I wrote and now have ceased to exist.
  • Current versions of import plug-in have the option of moving images from the gallery to the new domain. But for many reasons not all come, for example if they had stayed in another domain, these do not come, neither images placed in a different structure from the conventional nor those with thumbnail.
  • It has been very useful Add Linked Images to Gallery plug-in. This makes the job search and brings not imported images, with the disadvantage that does not have an instance to tell why it is hanging, I thought it was for being too content, so I went by categories, but never went AutoCAD and Surveying. The entire roll was because the storage space had been exhausted and the fuck plug-in could not advice. I noticed this when I wanted to create a new folder using Cpanel, a message appeared, asked it to expand and everything walked around again.
  • The death battle has been with TimThumb script, which requires adjusting rights on wp-content folders and others within Arthemia template (script and cache). Finally after reading many forums, making unnecessary juggling, this was all it occupied. It seems that passing from WP MU affects some things and touch .htaccess was least expected.
  • I still have to fix permalinks, because I changed structure to make more friendly links with search engines. For this Permalinks Migration plug-in is doing a great job in redirecting, and once you find a pattern I’ll see if repair all of them from the database.
  • Seo friendly images me helped me because a lot of pictures had no description or had it with little use value.

Now comes the most work, while I must give follow-up to broken links, there’s left to follow with the optimization plan.
