gvSIG 1.9 RC1, ready to download

It is ready for download gvSIG 1.9 RC1, the first distribution of the candidate version (Release Candidate) from August’s Build 1243 of 313.

The download took a while, because it was out of service initially gvsig.org, where builds are lowered, and then the available unzip and run version appeared as a corrupt file. But finally, here it is, for our use, testing and report problems.

So far I have not found strange messages, I’m using it in an Acer Aspire One Netbook, and it seems not to kill so much the memory, although it’s not a high performance machine. It recognizes the previously created projects and I hope to be testing its functionality in these leisure days.

As regards improvements, there are many, I take a time to try; at the end it should be suitable for all having a version containing the needs and problems raised by the community.

Uncomfortable aspects:

The side panel for layers management is quite functional, but for now I found a not justifiable discomfort when grouping layers. One of the reasons for the grouping is to make management more practical, a plus sign allows you to hide the display of layers within the group.

-But every time we apply a simple change in the layer control panel as

  • Load a new layer
  • Change layer simbology
  • Make a new grouping layers
  • Undo a layer group
  • Place a layer within a layer group

There are shown all the groups in an expanded form, turning boring if you have several. Nor do I find a reason why, but it is supposed to maintain the conformation of deployments.

Test it

The life of these tools is in the community, I recommend to download, play and test it; don’t use it for formal works but participate in its validation because from this depends to get a greater satisfaction in the stable release.

Here you can download the version and here you can see the list of new features.
