For this has turned an invitation for Tuesday January 13, 2009 to see the greatest masterpieces of the Prado Museum, whether it’s not only possible to navigate within the museum
The exclusive Google Earth technology allows browsing through these images, with about 14,000 megapixels; offer clarity 1,400 times greater than that obtained with a 10 megapixel digital camera. In addition, the Prado Museum layer in Google Earth includes a spectacular 3-D reproduction of the Museum building.
It’s an interesting innovation, and as advertised is used for the first time in a Museum, so they will be presenting at the Auditorium of the Museum of the Prado at 12: 30 in the morning.
Miguel Zugaza, the Prado Museum director, and Javier Rodriguez Zapatero, head of Google Spain, will be responsible for presenting the event.
The event will be in the Auditorium of the Prado Museum, botanique gateway (southern entrance of the expansion) 12: 15
The fourteen works from the Prado Museum accessible in gigapixel images through Google Earth are:
- The Crucifixion, John Flanders
- The Knight of the hand on his chest, El Greco
- The family of Philip IV, or Las Meninas, Velázquez
- Jacob’s Dream, Ribera
- May 3, Goya
- The Annunciation, Fra Angelico
- The Cardinal, Rafael
- The Emperor Charles V, on horseback, Mühlberg, Tiziano
- Immaculate Conception, Tiepolo
- The Descent, Roger van der Weyden
- The Garden of Delights or painting the strawberry, Bosch
- The Three Graces Rubens
- Self-portrait, Durer
- Artemis, Rembrandt
Via: Google Earth Blog