Google Earth / Maps

Use and applications with Google Earth / maps

Between Cancer and the Google Earth use for the cadastre

From a good humor moment with a Dutch friend, this day, I rescue some similarity between the process that leads…

How accurate are the images in Google Earth?

The theme of orthorectified  and satellite images’ precision of Google Earth is a record question in search engines; in these…

View coordinates in Google Maps, using ANY! other coordinate system

Until now it has been common to input UTM and geographic coordinates on Google Maps. But usually that supports keeping…

In Google Earth pro, do images have better resolution?

Apparently there is some confusion about what Google Earth paid versions offer; there are those who believe that they are…

Practical use of historic images from Google Earth

It was one of the best Google Earth changes implemented in version 5, while allowing us to see what images…

How to insert local images in Google Earth

In response to some questions I receive, I take advantage to leave the outcome for public use. Some time ago…

Geomap and its link with Google Maps

Some time ago I did a review of the Geomap beta version, which among its best features has ability to…

Import Google Earth’s image and 3D model

Microstation, from version 8.9 (XM), brings a number of features for interacting with Google Earth. In this case I mean…

StitchMaps, common problems

Stitchmaps was one of the best applications that were made to create orthophotos from Google Earth captured mosaics; I spoke…

Yes it is possible to display Google Earth and view images from above in real time

So far I had read in Yahoo Answers, that it was only possible with the NASA satellites, and that to…