TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post.
A very long tour by scattered territories had amused me in the last few days. This is a topic that receives little attention in this space; because I try to take care of the anonymity of what my labor field is, and the pleasure for sharing technological issues with other partners in this community.
I have proved on this trip the iPad connectivity power, the GPS tracking that never gets lost since it does not depend on Internet signal, including fairly good accuracy despite carrying in a car at regular speed. In summary I leave some images that speak for themselves.
The car barely fits through this hammock bridge. It is even necessary folding mirrors for not sticking with the cable… is either exciting, especially when tables creak like if they are relenting. |
A bad slip on this little gravel and the flight would be spectacular on a precipice of more than 400 meters. Of course the morning’s view is wonderful; in the background can be seen the village where we were going. I was just here when my son phoned me telling the sad news of, first, the tortoise Phillip definitely leakage and second, my daughter’s worsened fever. |
Meals are a pleasure; it only needs no more than a little lard to be cooked but with good flavor. More pounds, less pounds, almost nobody is important at this point. |
Layer of dust on the road: 6. 5 centimeters not confined Road width: 2. 63 meters in two-way Fires: one for each 100 kilometers travelled. Inevitable cases: A good allergic cold dust, heat and a virus an accomplice. I already want to see the massive process of rural cadastre which starts next month. |
Impressive church design, built back in the seventeenth century in a town that at that time will have had 10 houses. |
This is one of the oldest in Central America for the moldings design and interior paint, it’s a pain that is about to drop as a hat for mice that live there. My friend did an amazing panoramic. |
This is for remember on a day where I chose 8 of the technicians I still keep with me. There it can be seen R!, M!, p!, m! and P! |
(*) Sacalenguas: This is a legendary bird that looks like a plumage snake that usually kills its victims and eats their tongue.
(**) Cadejo: This is a legendary animal of the Central American region, similar to a dog who appears to those who stay very late at night.
(***) Colosuca: This is a word that in native language means a bird with beautiful plumage.