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Geofumadas on the fly

My life and my travels, it’s difficult to understand the difference between them.  In what I feel it’s a depressing Internet connection from a ciber – cafe, here there are, some readings on the fly for a healthy intake before leaving and starting to celebrate Father’s Day with my children.

clip_image001Google Earth

Street’s view of England, Holland and from Spain Zaragoza and Oviedo

Students take photos of the stratosphere using extrange artifacts (a Spanish Idiom: hechizos)

Google Earth, for the good or evil ?

Google Earth insists: we have no pictures alive!

It’s assumed there were update in March… but we must find them

RapidEye has distributors in Mexico and Central America

clip_image002Free software

First study of free software in Chile

Does Google MapMaker benefit the OSM … what?

How much would a company save using free software? … Don’t wait very intelligent answers

Type your name in Google Earth

clip_image003Technologies in general

How to hacker Safari in 10 seconds

ASUS with batteries’ duration for 9.5 hours!

28 years of operating systems interfaces on a single post

Geomarketing Seminar in Barcelona

More intelligent bridges than human’s

The pc remote access using Gmail and something more

Making “undo” to a Gmail sending

clip_image004Proprietary software and other perversions

The announcement of the shape file 2.0 .

Manifold is one of the most popular GIS used in India … that’s what they say.

Could ESRI be thinking in replacing the Shape file?

CadCorp and its new version … connects Virtual Earth and Google Maps

The Avira antivirus expands the capacity of its free version

clip_image005What friends sites tell us

Andalucia’s Uses Map

The unfair competition of the Topographers (a Spanish idiom: topos)

High mapping philosophy

Putting out maps from the drawer

Balls clocks

Dynamic calculation in CivilCAD

And more .. for free! (A Spanish idiom: chascada)

clip_image006For those who complain when their wireless connection fell, see this man blogging with chalk and blackboard

If this man lives in my country, probably someone will send his draft to meneame.

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