Free GIS software in the 2008 OSWC

The International Conference of Free Software, Open Source World Conference, is perhaps the most important event related to open source technologies in Spain and also in Europe; this will take place from October 20 to 22 in the Palace of Fairs and Congresses in Malaga.

The number of papers is wide in different implementation’s branches, migration and documentation of Hispanic experience. And as always, the open source Geomatic field is not left expect, among them it has drawn my attention:

Topics Exhibitors Institutions
gvSIG, the free Geographic Information System / / gvSIG and Spatial Data Infrastructures Mario Carrera, Jorge Gaspar Sanz (Xurxo) Ministry of infrastructure and transport of the Generalitat Valenciana
Stand on: a free alternative to the navigation on mapping from mobile terminals Francisco Sánchez Díaz, Jose Luís Fernandez Rueda Institute of Cartography of Andalusia
Geographic Information System Accessible Damián Serrano Thode Andalusian Social Services Foundation
Transformation system and replacement of orthophotos from the Junta de Andalucía. Sebastian Castillo Carrión University of Malaga
System of corporate geographical information of the Junta de Andalucía. First results: implementation and street services. Alvaro Zabala Ordóñez Counselors of Innovation, Science and Enterprise – Junta de Andalusia
gvSIG Mobile Paper: gvSIG in mobile devices Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas (Xurxo) Prodevelop SL
Free and open to Jo Walsh OpenSource Geospatial Foundation
Geographic Information Systems in free Software Fernando González Cortes, Erwan Bocher y Tyler Mitchell Research Institute on Urban Sciences and Technics, CNRS/FR-2488 and Open Source Geospatial Foundation
gvSIG-Free Spatial Data Infrastructure to determine Generalitat Valenciana

You can also see the other topics on this link, here you can register and resolve your doubts.

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