Finalists for the 2009 Be Inspired

I’ve been invited to cover the Charlotte event, which awards prizes to the most significant innovation projects for the 2009, formerly known as Be Awards, now Be Inspired. This will take place from October 12th to 14th.

From the 17 Categories, it interests me the Cadastre and Territorial Development, for which already have been appointed as finalists:

1.Caceres’ GIS in Spain.

This is a GIS development of the Caceres’ City Council, which includes an Internet deployment using Geoweb Publisher. The system contains more than 200,00 records in nearly 500 maps, in a Geographics project which includes 30 categories and over 300 features.

2. The Tiel’s municipality in Holland

This development includes a FlexiWeb’s adaptation, which is a private application that makes the deployment of Geoweb Publisher more attractive. Apart from spatial data also includes documents, pictures, and visualizations in 360 degrees.

3. The 29th Firehouse, in California

This is a great hallucination (Spanish idiom: “fumada”) that integrates hydraulic design with different applications including CivilStorm and Transoft’s AutoTurn. The development encompasses applications with 3D, pdf, digital terrain model suited to Google Earth and architectures with Sketchup!


Here are the finalists of the other categories, summarized by country (several categories contains more than one United States’ finalist):

Bridges Australia, USA, Vietnam
Buildings UK, USA,
Cadastre Spain, Holland, USA
Campus and airports USA, India
Communication Networks USA, Czech Republic
Mining and metals South Africa, Madagascar, Australia
Oil and gas New Guinea, USA, Ukraine,
Energy’s generation Belgium, Spain, USA
Transit and trains Holland, UK, USA, Sweden
Roads Australia, USA, India
Utilities Germany, USA, Turkey
Hydraulic systems UK, USA, Australia
Hydrosanitary Systems Turkey, Filipinas, India
Display USA, UK
Teamwork UK, USA, Brazil
Generative Design Ukraine, UK, India
Structural Engineering UK, Korea, USA
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