Everything is ready for Cloud Computing

Google Spain has organized for tomorrow November 27 a round table on “Cloud Computing”, where is expected to show emerging trends in the technological world.

This event will be in ABC Serrano in Madrid, at 10 am. It is necessary to confirm attendance to the following mail enlanube (aroba) google.com (enlanube@google.com).

Between the sectors expected to be represented are the academy, private enterprise and media.

The panelists:

  • Caros García: Google Enterprise Director of Spain / Portugal
  • Alexis Bonte: entrepreneur, business advisor and investor of Internet sector
  • Marimar Jiménez: Five-day, an expert on technology issues
  • Juan Quemada Vives: Professor from the Telematic Engineering Systems Department in the School of Telecommunications at the UPM

It will be interesting the rain of questions that will fall to them on what is Google thinking to overcome apparent crashes of AdWords system, their main source of income.
