Engineering projects with AutoCAD Civil 3D

It’s one of the most complete Spanish resources I’ve seen on Civil 3D; I’ve realized this through the Cartesia Forum and I think that, with AUGI’s resources as a complement, is almost enough to learn Civil 3D.

It has been promoted by ApliCAD, who built the entire document with the contribution of Neus Ros (Geodesy Engineer at Valencia’s Polytechnic University). To obtain this guide you must register at ApliCAD’s website and immediately receive a username and password with which you can download not only this but other documents supplied by this company.

The index content is this:

1. – Introduction to AutoCAD Civil 3D

Initially the material focuses on explaining generalities in a brief mode; it lacks an induction to what we will find in the whole document; because it doesn’t seem having plenty exercises and examples explained in a good Spanish language

2. – Import and management points file

This chapter includes the point’s insertion, groups of point’s definitions, and boards of editing & managing points.

3. – Parceling Module.

In this section it will be find parcel’s management using AutoCAD object; also the construction of different kinds of reports such as bearings’ tables and areas.

4. – MDT’s Generation: analysis of elevations, slopes and basins.

Digital terrain models’ creation: DTM, GRID, TIN, contours, breaklines, surface handling, slopes’ maps and drape’s raster captured on a digital model.

5. – Platform’s design

In this chapter you will handle profiles and esplanades’ adjustment.

6. – Alignments’ design

Geometric design of roads, alignments, horizontal curves

7. – Longitudinal profile’s generation

Plant profiles, vertical curves on roads, typical sections

8. – Generation of transversal profiles

Cross Sections, linear work sampling lines

9. – Linear works. Type sections and splices.

Typical sections of roads, sections of linear work, slopes, display and roads splices

10. – Earth Moving.

Calculation of volumes, transversal mining sections, cuts and fills and composite volumes.

11.- Obtaining reports of volumes

This material is based on Civil 3D english manual, has some exercises similar with one’s brought from the english version of Civil 3D manual, but it has entirely built by ApliCAD with a very friendly didactic, the work flows shown in some chapters that explain all the process taken by long procedures are very well created. Aditionally it comes with practice files which serve to make exercises. Just great.

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