Taking advantage of the week that is about to starts, tomorrow I will take sunbathe proving Sokkia total station, and I will be travelling from Tuesday, so I recommend 10 readings of interest:
2. Geotagging, Moses speaks to us in Itacas what it is and how it has been achieved recently.
3. SEXTANTE Programming Guide, a text for those who want to roll up his sleeves on Java and get most out of GvSIG
4. Workshop on technologies for surveying and cadastre, to be held next November, announced by the COIT
5. Google Earth for the Iphone, a novelty recently presented in Google Earth blog that this week sent me a lot of visits for mentioning the news of Street View in Spain.
6. Adding touch controls to Openlayers, James Fee tells us how likely is to do these features on iPhone Openlayers
7. A cyberspace atlas, submitted by Sadeck – Geotechnologies, a document of more than 200 MB available for download.
8. Drawing Cleanup, a tool for AutoCAD, an application that promises better handling and more blocks.
9. From cartographer to Geisha, a story for those who are considering alternatives to the financial crisis… he he
10. Export xyz coordinates, in CAD Forum tell us how to do it from the AutoCAD blocks’ attributes with the ATTEXT command.