I remember a while ago talking about how to do this with SoftDesk, we also saw some juggling to do the reverse from a table built into Excel.
In this case I’ll do it with AutoCAD Civil 3D, which is the union of AutoCAD Map and AutoCAD Civil 3D. Indeed, the environment is much like Land style, so we knew that CivilCAD is not very useful here.
In the left menu of the environment you can choose the functionalities. In this case I have enabled Civil 3D Complete so you can see all the menus but it is possible to see different environments as surveying, design, Geospatial etc.
I have this property, which I lifted in field, now what I want is to create the table of bearings and distances.
1. Create the plot
For this we do “parcels / Create Parcel from Objects”
Then we select all the polygonal lines (there aren’t as polylines)
Then the system displays a panel where you should choose the site, style, layers where can be stored online properties, the centroid and other annoying but necessary characteristics… (Spanish Idiom: “hierbas amargas” alluding to something annoying but necessary)
I remove the option of deleting the original polygon.
Then we do Ok, it should automatically places a centroid where the plot area is contained.
2. Create the Bearings’ table
For this we do “Parcel / ad tables / line”, which means to make the table of bearings and distances from the lines.
The panel shown asks us about the style that will be applied and if we want the table to be static or dynamic (changing according if the boundaries are changed)
3. Edit the table style
You can edit the table style, with the right mouse button on the generated table and choosing “Edit table style”
And here you can change the names of table headers, decimal in length and angles’ format.