TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post.
I get a request from a friend in the land of the ‘patepluma’ (*) who is working on a road, apparently he has Land Desktop so we’ll go a little different because what I have is Civil 3D 2008, but who cares. Just for nostalgia, this was much easier in CivilSoft (Autocivil that initially worked out of AutoCAD and generated DXF files), then came Softdesk and now Civil 3D.
The case:
The lifting of a road, which has the axis line and cross sections to the left and right of each station every 10 meters. In this lesson we will see how to import the points.
The data:
Initially it had field data with a line of axis, and left and right views. Somehow after being asking, someone did get him a nice template where you can enter information without having to draw it manually. So I’ll take off this step, because in an Excel workbook’s sheet it is already the file with the points.
Anyway here is the file left to you for thinking a lot (**) and see how it works and focus on work from the basis of points.
First things, first
New Drawing. Let’s start a new drawing, so do “File, New” and choose the template “_AutoCAD Civil 3D (Metric) NCS Base.dwt.” This is to ensure that the seed file is in metric and not English units.
GeoReference the drawing. Remember that our drawing is a single dwg which has no projection or coordinate system, to do this it can only be done with AutoCAD Map or Civil 3D. For this reason, we do “map / tools / defines Global Coordinate System” or good with “_ADEDEFCRDSYS” command
From there choose in Category, UTM WGS84 Datum and then 16 North.
Importing the points
To import the points, I exported the Excel file, where the coordinates table called geofumadasxport.csv is to csv format, you can download it here if you want to do.
Choose the format. So what’s next is a simple import of AutoCAD points to make it “Points / Import Export points / Import points” or with the command “_importpoints” and then choose the format that better suits us:
The order of the points is:
So we chose that, PENZD, in comma delimited format (csv), next we choose the file and define that all the points will go to a group called “sb_todos.”
Deploy. Then ok and we make extended view to see the points.
It should have been created this, a grid of points and in the lateral panel on the “prospector” tab it should have been created the list of points called “sb_todos”
If you get as tilted upward, it could be that you have confused PENZD with PNEZD, so delete them and re-import.
If you do not go out with the same text size, do not pay attention, is a question of format.
In the next section we will see how to filter points to get different viewing… I hope I have time.
(*) Land of ‘patepluma’: Literally translated as ‘feather-foot’, it alludes to Santa Barbara a city in Honduras, known in Central America for its beautiful women and a musical team called precisely ‘patepluma’ appeared in the 80’s.
(**) Romperse el coco: This phrase is used when we have to think and perhaps study hard in order to solve a problem.