Usually we use the white or black color for background, change is a frequent activity for reasons of visualization. In this example we’ll see how this is done with AutoCAD and Microstation
With AutoCAD before 2008
It is done in Tools> Options, in case you are with Civil 3D or an application that doesn’t display the top menu, you can manually type the command Options, then enter.
In the Display tab the change is made in the Colors button. There you can choose the model color, Layout, selection, etc.
Very handy the preview display it has, that it’s a need for Microstation and the same with the other color choices.
With AutoCAD after 2009
With the Ribbon in AutoCAD 2009 and 2010, note that there are facilities to find the commands. Just write the word Options, and tells us in what menu is, other things being equal.
With Microstation
In case of Microstation, it is done with:
- Workspace > Preferences
- There we choose from the left panel the option View Options
- If it is not selected Black Background -> White, we have a black background, which is the default. Otherwise it will be white
- You can also choose a non-white color, indicating it as it’s shown on the bottom (see the arrow); both, for the color model of working as for the Layout (Sheet model).
These characteristics apply in general to the workspace, but in the Vista properties it can be choose whether we want to retain the default (black) or to apply the defined color. This latter applies to the working file, if you want to generalize, do it in the file seed (seed file).
To do this you click on the corner of the View, and select View Attributes, and then select background.
This example is done with MicroStation V8i, for the ones who have earlier versions to XM, it will only be seen the selection boxes (Check list)