
The cartography is a science included in disciplines for the land management and earth study

Web maps revive historical cartography

Perhaps we never dream to see one day a historic map, mounted on Google, such that we could know how…

View coordinates in Google Maps, using ANY! other coordinate system

Until now it has been common to input UTM and geographic coordinates on Google Maps. But usually that supports keeping…

Template to convert geographic coordinates to deg, UTM and AutoCAD

This Excel template is initially made to convert geographic coordinates in decimal to degrees, minutes and seconds. Just the opposite…

StitchMaps, common problems

Stitchmaps was one of the best applications that were made to create orthophotos from Google Earth captured mosaics; I spoke…

Google Earth; visual support for cartographers

Google Earth beyond being a tool for general entertainment has also become a visual support for mapping, both to show…

Antique maps in Google Maps

Some time ago I had seen on the Google Earth’s official blog, but after that Opaco has reminded us, I…

Talking with Tuent’s people

This week has been published in Directions Magazine an interesting interview with Ernesto Ballesteros from Tuent company, which in just…

Political risk map

This has been one of the interesting topics covered in the March issue of GISMagazine, known in our environment as…

Convert degrees / minutes / seconds to decimals

Some time ago I’ve been ask for this, and in view the friend seems a little rushed and today is…

How do non-geomatics see the maps?

So a little distracting, this week 20minutos.es has published an article based on projections’ theme in a way a sixth…