This month PC Magazine’s content comes suitably “reloaded” just as my ways. Apart from being Nadia Molina’s apparently last farewell, it focuses much on Blogs’ thematic offering us advice and beliefs of what has become an interesting web phenomenon.
It outcomes too much convincing the analysis between the differences on what is traditionally known as blogging and journalism.
Eduardo ARCOS, from Alt1040 shows us 7 tips for bloggers who want to succeed, an article with nothing that hasn’t been said before but masterly summarized by someone who started his blog in 2002, that is 5 years before Geofumadas, and also launched Hipertextual since 2005; the second most important business blog network in Spanish-speaking, indeed an opinion shared by most people. Few days ago it was also launched the so-called advertising network Q.
Here are the 7 tips for bloggers:
- Find your place, one that really interests you and write about it.
- Don’t try to do in a blog what you read in your favorite magazine
- Blogs are a different expression channel and also operates different. View, share, say and comment your opinions. Try to create discussion.
- Writing well in a blog does not mean the same like trying to write to a newspaper or a magazine
- Link, link, and more links. A blog that does not link is like a lost island away from the Blogosphere.
- Be constant. It has no value to publish a lot for a week and then forget the blog for one month. Again, be constant.
- If you don’t have good content, the best design of the world won’t help you. Blogs are mainly what is read on them, I mean the content, not its appereance.
By the way, you can see this image published in Bitperbit which is more explicit
The material also makes a comparison between the main handlers content, the last of them aimed at microblogging:
There are include very practical tips for Blogger and WordPress, and then there are listed 6 blogs’ cases that have reached interesting popularity and international significance so that they should not fail in our reader if we want to keep communication with the ones who write on a regular basis. Among these are mentioned:
Finally it shows an interesting reflection and how to proceed with the idea of creating a web for the company using the operating blogs platform.
Oh, I’m forgetting to tell that the stark moral (a Spanish idiom: cruda moral) in me, has already passed.