Blogger Templates

Today I want to dedicate this post to promote a project that has just been released on September 30, where a good friend is launching a blog, a member of the Actualidad Blog network called www.templates-blogger.com , a gallery of designs for blogs hosted in Blogger, the blogging platform from Google.

Through this project, all those who have a blog on Blogger can enjoy a collection of nearly 200 templates (expected to reach 500 by the end of year) free for download and use on blogs.

Each design hosted on our platform contains:

  • A screen capture for previewing the design
  • A link to an online demo
  • Links to the original loans (author, designer)
  • A link to download the design. Typically these designs come in a .zip file containing an XML file with a design and tutorial to integrate it into the blog

In this way, they intend to create a unique meeting place where bloggers can find the design they want for their weblog and template designers can promote their own work for free. If you’re a template’s designer and want to promote your work in templates-blogger, you can use this form to contact them.

Templates-blogger is the first draft of an initiative that ‘Actualidad Blog’ will launch to create a series of online resources especially targeted to the blogger community, so that we will have to be vigilant.

Ah, also have a feed by which we can track their novelties:

