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Bentley Mexico will offer courses


Bentley Institute has announced a series of MicroStation certified courses with different subjects and specializations in the Bentley Training Centre of Mexico City.

clip_image002The courses are oriented to the different branches of the Bentley’s product line:

Consultant Engineers, civil engineers, electrical engineers, structural engineers, surveyors, instrumentation engineers, professionals in Urbanism, GIS specialists, planning professionals, academics and students.

This is the agenda that for now is announced

MicroStation V8 XM User Update from V8 2004 – 30 and 31 March 2009
Calendar, costs and more information | Registration form

Essential MicroStation  – April 6 to 9 2009
Calendar, costs and more information | Registration form

MicroStation V8 XM  Edition y DWG – April 27 and 28 2009
Calendar, costs and more information | Registration form

MicroStation V8 XM Edition Everything 3D  – May 25 to 27 2009
Calendar, costs and more information| Registration form

Mastering AccuDraw  – June 8 2009
Calendar, costs and more information| Registration form

Essential MicroStation  – June 22 to 25 2009
Calendar, costs and more information | Registration form

If you click to the links, you can know each course’s cost, so for example, a course of MicroStation V8 XM has this detail:

:: Date: Mach 30 and 31 2009

:: Place: Bentley Systems Training Center, México

:: Duration and intensity: two days, eight hours a day starting 9 a.m.

:: Cost by person: US $925

SELECT User: US $850


Two students from the same company 20 % discount

Three students from the same company 40 % discount

Four students or more of the same 50 % discount company

Indeed, it would be fine for the Bentley’s Mexico page editor do a spelling course… or activate the spell checker in Word

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