A few days ago, a technician asked me how I can get angry and loud laugh at the same time. I think these are distinctiveness of everyone’s personality, in my case I can’t feel angry for more than two days long and very often I don’t get out my rage but keep it (which is worse). Then, after a period of time, that anger disguised in calm exploits either in an uncontrolled way or like depression with a pessimistic attitude.
I am not Freud, those skills are only left for Nancy; but, certainly, having a technical blog which tries to keep in so carefully personal life features is such complicated; perhaps somebody may think that behind the posts there aren’t feelings. And also that the mixture of irony and arrogance (both so bad), which are part of my customs, could do feel that everything is going well or at least that good humour seems to solve problems… as a minimum, mine’s.
Finally, we are only human creatures, with friends, family, children, work, credit card, van and thousand of things that may get out of control in any moment causing us depression, frustration and nobody knows how many more reactions which reflect in our feelings, emotions and will. So, with the deference you deserve me, I request your agreement to release the following lines, nor so technical and, probably for someone, out of our “cultural context”.
Facts that depress us:
- We are human beings, with elderly parents (in my case now, only my mom), which become ill and take us time from our daily tasks. They once gave us life, working so hard in order to give us the best they can, so that much of what we have now achieved is the result of their selfless efforts. Therefore, after having with them a cup of coffee with doughnuts and realizing about their health, how far we are, and feeling a home sickness for passed years; we leave with a helplessness feeling because we would like to do more for them.
- We also have kids in school , that sometimes forget to do their homework and at 9:00 pm, when we return home, come to us with a fearful smile and says:
– “… Oops, Dad, there is a model I need to make for school, and there aren’t fewness materials for it, so, can you purchase them?”
Perhaps it’s part of our responsibility, however sometimes you worry a lot about these little creatures, who fill us with a great satisfaction; but at the same time, make us run away at midnight for a doctor when they get sick. More over, from time to time, you worry about their future, wondering what will happen in case they’ll feel the absence of… that would be terrible.
- In addition I have a blog , which gets up or down according the rhythm Google decides to; thus, when they shut down their servers and the amount of visits by browser gets terribly low probably someone would faint (A spanish Idiom: “cortarse las venas”) as a result of this despaired situation . I don’t know if somebody feels the same cause I’m so “technical” (perhaps Geofumadas may not exist) but, notice how we get so many hobbies that sometimes can discourage us and another’s can bring pleasures which outweigh the bad ones created by Google AdSense, analytics, Zync, RegNow, PayPal, Reviewme,
TLA, LinkLift and a lot of associated things.
- I have a job that in some way is altruistic in comparison with municipalities’ labor and in opposition of some people convincement that international’s cooperation task is to give money as a gift without requiring results. Half of my gray hair (a Spanish idiom: canas) are due to municipal technicians who forget that they were elected by its people to execute their work, serving them, but “serves” involves work. Many brilliant minds, some with technology difficulties (a Spanish Idiom: “duros para la tecnologia”) and others not so good for organization… finally, all of them are my friends.
My travels some time ago I wanted to leave, travel, know places, and I must admit that I have not lost that sense of adventure. But it’s not the same work travelling than pleasure travelling; I mean for example, when you’re two weeks away from home, at 10 in the evening in a poor hotel (a Spanish Idiom: “hotel de mala muerte”) and then, suddenly a phone call from your 8 years daughter crying and saying at the same time:
-… Oh, Dad, how much I would like you’re here…
Yep, gentlemen, there are many things that can depress us at least a couple of times a month, and today… precisely is one of those days.