TRANSLATION NOTES: Please read some comments at the end of this post
Recent days have been so different one from each other. Each had had a different flavor, it’s a pity that the taste is so polarized, while the sweet passed to bitter for some, in others the reverse occurs. For all the stale aftertaste is bitterness, as I am neither an ideologue nor this is my theme, I tell this six days, leaving the post in
Day 1. On Thursday we were a free republic, sovereign, said independent, unknown to many people little known in cartography, as when someone said us where is Togo and have bad memory of sixth grade. At noon I went home, because it was risky to walk down the street, it seemed absurd to me think that this can happen in a city so routinely, if you can call like this the custom for the impending vulnerability of the rainy season.
Day 3. On Saturday, I passed in front of the presidential palace to eat a donut, and I could see all the movement that I had been struck by inland mayors, everything sounded so exciting but the fear of what might happen the next day was intriguing. I visited my friend Buendia and through drinks told me some oracles in the style of Captain Haddock in “The Three unicorns.” It was good to take a look at Will Smith film “Seven Pounds” and dream that there are good people in this world, for a moment I thought if everyone in this country would do like this once.
Day 4. On Sunday much of the world knew what was transmitted outward, that there are still people living in barbarism, and Hugo Chavez said that he’ll invade this nation at any cost. We had no Internet, no electricity, and no phone state. It was not possible to leave the house, rather than to fill the fuel tank in a long line and buy canned food at the supermarket, just in case. It rained like in Macondo, a bridge succumbed to the north and from that day we had a curfew from 9 pm.
Day 5. On Monday afternoon we live in a riot, people in the streets with sticks, stones, I could not even get to the store where I wanted to buy an orthopedic bed, after for the first time in a long time on Monday I did not go to work, just because I didn’t have to go. The SICA Central American Integration System said it had to close our borders to trade, and my favorite place to eat a donut was inaccessible, I found it on Facebook with a signal similar to the ones I saw in my school in second grade, that I do not remember but this of my eight years indeed, “February 28 Popular Leagues.”
Day 6. On Tuesday, a large crowd gathered in the park, and while declaiming from their heart the best of their intentions, the United Nations UN declared that they will do what’s possible to audit this country; among them the United States who said he was “co-
What can I tell, from the almost bored tranquility I’ve come to realize what valuable is the innocent peace of a country that has not had a conventional civil war, we are of late puberty, my friend Buendia says that “it is not for peaceful but for maj3s (**)”. Now the whole world condemns what happened here, although we should be in the capital to take one of two existing positions and working with 35 rural municipalities once to know what the think of inlands is. In summary the two main positions are simplified in geographic coordinates rounded to minutes: the first was a coup, the other a constitutional succession. Whatever will be both cause the sensation of the following day the loss of literal virginity.
So is this life as exciting gentlemen, in six days has changed the lives of more than 7 million people who probably go through such feelings, plus the sum of intrigue from their family and friends overseas to whom it had been hard for me to explain what is happening here. I just know that this will end well, and that the whole country should assume a transformation that will end in a better condition of life and maturity, we hope it will not be painful and happens once and for all.
What will happen on the 7th day, it will be as exciting as the 8th and the rest of the year until the elections come on November 28, I take a neutral position because of writing for a more international than local audience and to whom I do not want to show my personal opinion because while I have spoken the subject with my friend from Macondo, I realize the situation has so many pedals like the grand piano in my teens, is not only politically but economically, it is legal, geopolitical now, we all agree that it is social and what worry me, it is ideological. It would be tragic if all this natural chaos does not produce significant changes, because then we could suffer for 20 years as happened with our closest neighbors at a higher cost than the fall of the Internet or cable twice a day.
A greeting for the Honduran, you see, not only when the selection beats Mexico (which is not often) you can demonstrate patriotism. If you can prove it with all passion now, do it, provided that you’ll not harm the others integrity. Thanks to the rest of the world, for your prayers.
(*) mara: This is a word used to name a gang of youth people that are connected with illegal jobs, preferably drugs and drugs traffickers.
(**) majes: This jargon is used when we want to refer to someone in a pejorative way treating him as a fool person without initiative.